Blog articles for growing your business

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Optimized product pictures on you e-commerce shop
One of the most critical elements, where you can achieve better results on your page’s speed, if you optimize your pictures in your e-commerce shop. How can you easily optimize my pictures? Read more.
December 15, 2021
Make your e-commerce store faster
When you have an e-commerce store, you may focus on different parts of your site performance. Conversion rate, abandoned carts, shop categories, visual elements... But there is one thing you should also focus. The speed of your site.
October 23, 2021
Problem with Google Adwords Campaigns?
There are times in all business owners in Switzerland, when their Google Adwords campaign don’t perform as good, as you may really want.You just setup everything, the first results are coming, but then there are days, or weeks, when you see a dropdown. It can caused by many other effects (summer season, seasonal products, weather circumstances, new competitor...), which are independent from your campaign setups. But what should you consider, and what are the main KPI’s, you should check, if you don’t get results you want from your campaign? In this blog article, I’ll show you 7 core suggestions, you should always check and see on a weekly basis at least.
August 12, 2021
Popular E-commerce payment methods in Switzerland
Even if you already have an online shop in Switzerland, or you just decided to have one in the close future, you have to consider, what typeof payment methods do you want to use in your online store? But what are the most popular ones? Let’s get to know the most popular payment methods, used in Switzerland.
July 6, 2021
Multi language Shopping Campaigns on Google Adwords
Google Adwords campaigns, and especially the Google Shopping campaigns, are one of the most effective ways to generate more sales to your E-commerce site. But in Switzerland, we should face with some challenges. Especially, when you want to reach more customers, in the german, french, or italien language part of Switzerland. To avoid with your Google Shopping campaigns the unnecessary costs, i’ve created a blog article, where I want to show you, how can you easily setup a multi language campaign in Switzerland, to reach your best potential customers with your E-commerce business.
May 19, 2021
Remove photo background in less than 2 minutes
Even if you are not a Photoshop expert, you can easily remove background from your photos. I'll show you in this video in less than 2 minutes, how you can do it.
February 4, 2021
4 ways to satisfy your customers during Lockdowns
There is no better time, to improve our online sales services, and make a great „WOW” effect to our customers. Because when we make their life easier and more comfortable in these periods, they will be the „raving fans” of our businesses. In this blog article, I would like to show you 4 easy ways, how you can satisfy your customers, and generate more online sales in these periods.
January 20, 2021
3+1 tips to create educational videos from your home easily! (Even if you are not a PRO!)
In the past years, video communication, and video education made a huge opportunity to all of the entrepreneurs around the world. In this article, I want to give you 5 easy tips, which you can use for your video contents in the future. You will see that you can make these videos by yourself easily, and you can achieve your next goal, by creating video contents in the future.
January 8, 2021
Building a Shopware 6 online shop from scratch
What are the key elements to focus while you creating your new Shopware store? In this article, I'll help you with my expereinces, on focusing the 4+1 technical parts, you should focus, before you start your Shopware 6 online shop.
December 30, 2020
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