When you have an e-commerce store, you may focus on different parts of your site performance. Conversion rate, abandoned carts, shop categories, visual elements... But there is one thing you should also focus.The speed of your site.
Google most likely to show relevant sites to people, which have a great user experience. That means not just the visual, or a mobile optimized website, but also means the speed of your website.
If you are working with picture with high file sizes, or your code structure is not the perfect, then your site will have some problems in the search results in the future. So optimizing your site is a critical part of your e-commerce strategy.
Fortunately, there are some great tools on the market, which you can use, and test your website performance. One of them is Google Pagespeed Insights, which will help you to understand you website performance in Google.
If you put in your website, you will get some impressions from Google, what are the most important parts to improve on your site.
I have some quick tips, which you can immediately use to optimize your site:
- Optimize the size of your pictures on your e-commerce shop. You can use websites for that like Tinypng, or other sites, which will help you to optimize the size of your pictures.
- Show only the most important elements on your main site, to reduce the size of it. Decide what are the most important things, that will get the potential customers attention, and leave the other in other categories.
- Use a plugin, which will help you to optimize the size of your sites codes structure. Google Pagespeed insights will show you, how can you optimize these elements on your site, and for most of thee-commerce platforms, there are useful plugins, which will help you to make it work for you.
Making your site faster, and more valuable for search engines like Google is an important thing. Nowadays, when most of the customers are reaching any website from their phone, and it is not working well, or they see that is very slow, they will have a bad experience. Don’t forget to focus on this topic, and if you have any question, or you need any technical help in making your site faster, just leave me a message on the contact form, and I am gladly here to help you, and your business. :)