Google Adwords campaigns, and especially the Google Shopping campaigns, are one of the most effective ways to generate more sales to your E-commerce site. But in Switzerland, we should face with some challenges. Especially, when you want to reach more customers, in the german, french, or italien language part of Switzerland.
To avoid with your GoogleShopping campaigns the unnecessary costs, i’ve created a blog article, where I want to show you, how can you easily setup a multi language campaign inSwitzerland, to reach your best potential customers with your E-commerce business.
If you want to create GoogleShopping Ads with you E-commerce business, you need to setup a Google Adwords account, and also a Google Merchant account.
· The Google Adwords account will be the place, where you will create your Google Shopping ads.
· The Google Merchant Center will be the place, where you will upload all of your products in different languages.
After you’ve created an account, and make sure you setup everything with genuine datas on your accounts, you now will be able to start the process of creating your next level Google ShoppingCampaigns.
NOTE: After you’ve created both of the accounts, do not forget to connect your 2 system together, so it will make your life easier in the future!
The first important thing for your business, is to create a clear, really informative product feed to your business. This will be the file, which you will upload on your Google Merchant account.
Because we want to create multi-language campaigns, you will need at least 2 product feeds. In our sample, we will create a german, and a french language feed.
If you are starting the process of creating a Google Merchant feed, you can easily do it, in your GoogleMerchant Account. Go to Feed section, and start creating your own GoogleMerchant feeds.
1. Export your product datas from your E-commerce shop.
2. Fill the Google Merchant feed file, with the necessary datas. The google will need at least these datas in your feed:
- ID
- Title (Name of the product)
- Product Description
- Link to your product
- An image of your product (A link from your product image)
- Your product's availability
- Price of your product
- Brand of the product
- GTIN Number of your product
- MPN – Products Manufacturer Number
- Condition of your products (new or used?)
Of course, there are many other additional informations (Size, Color, etc...) you can setup in your feed, I just first want to show you, which are the most important informations, which will be need, to upload your feed.
Because we want to create multi language Shopping ads in our account, that is the most important thing to prepare in your feed.
- Create a „custom label” column in booth of your feed.
- Fill the field with datas:
a. For example, in your german product feed, write„german” in all rows of the column.
b. Or in the french feed, write „french” in all rows of the column.
This is a very important step, because after that, you will be able to customize your Google Shopping ads, so which products will be shown, for which language territory!
If you finalized your feed, now it is timet o upload them in Google Merchant Center.
NOTE: Google needs at least3-4 business days, to activate, and accept all of your products, you’ve uploaded to your Google Merchant Center. So don’t worry, if you see, that some of your products are not accepted, Google will check it in the next days. You will also get notifications, if you’ve missed something, or you made a mistake with some of your products.
After your products are uploaded, and available in your Google Merchant Center, now you will be able to createGoogle Shopping Ads in your account for multi-language campaigns.
In Switzerland, the multi-language availability for your ADS and for your e-commerce shop, is an important thing, but you will maximize it in this way.
The next steps are important when you creating your Google Shopping Ads for multi language campaigns:
- Give the campaign a name, where you can easily know the difference (USE – DE or FR signs). So you will know, which one is the french or the german Shopping Campaign.
- Assign the products to your AD groups:
o Here comes the main thing, why we created the custom label column in our feeds. – So now, you will be able to assign the proper products, to your proper language campaigns.
- Finalize the text elements.
And now your Google Shopping Ads, are ready to use! After you setup everything, the most important thing, is to focus ont he results, and see which language territory, or which products, keywords work the most for your campaigns.
If you make a special campaigns, or sales on your E-commerce shop, never forgot to actualize your shopping feeds also, with the product availability, and with the current price.
Now you are ready, and wish you a very successful Google Shopping experience, for your Swiss e-commerce store.
If you have any question, or you need help in your Google campaigns, do not hesitate to contact with me, and I am gladly here to help you.
Have a great work and day! :)