Optimized product pictures on you e-commerce shop

December 15, 2021

Optimized product pictures on you e-commerce shop – Why is it so important?


We all know that a well-designed, easy to handle, and also mobile optimized e-commerce shop in Switzerland, is important nowadays. If you don’t really car about these thing, you will have a disadvantage on your Google ranking, and you can miss a tons of conversions, which you can easily achieve.If you care about your website’s speed.

One of the most critical elements, where you can achieve better results on your page’s speed, if you optimize your pictures in your e-commerce shop.


What are optimized pictures?

When you are creating a great, catchy banner, or you upload your product pictures on your website, you want to have the best quality. So you think in this case, that the higher the resolution, the better quality. It is really true, but a high quality picture can cause problems for the users, if it makes you site completely slow.

Optimized pictures have nearly the same quality, but you can save up to 90% of your original file size, so your site will be faster.


How can I check, which pictures do I need to optimize?

There is a great tool from Google, the Pagespeed Insights, which you can use to see, what are the most important fields, you should optimize on your website. And the most common problems are always the pictures.

1.    Insert your Url address, which you want to check.

2.    See the full report from Google about the optimizing options.

You can optimize your pictures in WebP or in AVIF formats, which will help you making your site faster in the future.


How can I easily optimize my pictures?

One of the most common online optimizer program is the Tinypng, which I really recommend for your work.

Tinypng site for picture optimizing

You can upload your pictures in many formats, and it will easily help you to optimize them in the best quality, with the lowest possible size. And one of the biggest advantage, that it is free to use. 

If you want to optimize 1000 pictures in one place, you can also do it easily, but in their PRO version. But for 20 pictures, it is free to use.



When we are ready with our e-commerce shop, there comes the time, when we should focus on optimizing our shop for better conversion rates.One of the key factors, are the optimized pictures. If you take care of it, you will see better results on your Google ranking, and the users experience will be better, because they will get a faster site, which is more easy to use. 

If you have any questions, or you need any help about optimizing your site, or e-commerce shop in other fields too, send me a message on the contact form, and I am gladly here to help growing your Swiss business.  

Feel free to contact me, and I'll reach you back in
24 hours.

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