Popular E-commerce payment methods in Switzerland

July 6, 2021

Popular E-commerce  payment methods in Switzerland


Even if you already have an online shop in Switzerland, or you just decided to have one in the close future, you have to consider, what typeof payment methods do you want to use in your online store?

Besides of the well known payment methods, you have know that Switzerland has some popular payment methods, which they really love to use during their online shopping activity.

 A report sais:

„The total revenue of Swiss e-commerce across all categories is USD 7.59 billion, and is expected to grow to USD 10.88 billion by2021. The strongest sectors in Swiss e-commerce are fashion, food, electronics and digital media. Switzerland is the 21st largest market for eCommerce in 2020, placing it ahead of Austria and behind Turkey.”


In these months, when we live together with a pandemic situation, it is also important that e-commerce business want to satisfy their customers, as many way, as it is possible. One of the most important ways, if you make the opportunity, to select between multiple payment methods in you e-commerce store.


But what are the most popular ones? Let’s get in the most popular payment methods, used in Switzerland:


1.    Credit or Debit card payment

As we know Mastercard is, alongside Visa, one of the two international credit and debit card organizations with the largest distribution worldwide. So it is really important to use them in your online shopping opportunities. There are several other options like:

-      AMEX (American Express)

-      Postfinance Card (With the account fromPostFinance your customers pay for their purchases direct via computer or mobile telephone. The payment is made with the PostFinance Card or PostFinanceE-Finance.)

But the most important thing, is that you use at least theMastercard, and VISA acceptance as an online payment option.


2.    Apple Pay and Google Pay

It is getting very popular, and many Apple orAndroid users loves to use their payment method while online shopping.

Apple Pay is the payment system for Apple products like iPhone, iPad, MacBook Pro with Touch bar and Apple Watch. Apple Pay supports NFC (card present), in-app purchases for card not present (a native iOS app is required) and browser based shop solutions (Apple Pay Web).

Google Pay is a payment platform that can be used across devices with your Google-Account. It enables merchants to offer a better and faster checkout experience for their clients. Google Pay supports NFC (card present), in-app purchases for card not present and browser based shop solutions (Google Pay Web).

3.    TWINT

TWINT AG was founded on 1 October 2016, and one of the most leading payment solution in Switzerland, and mostly popular in the younger generations. With TWINT, app users can make cashless payments at cash registers, online and at vending machines. It is also possible for money to be transferred between private individuals and for payment requests to be made. SoI highly recommend you, to use this payment option in your e-commerce store.


4.    Pay by invoice (Kauf auf Rechnung)

Another popular payment method in Switzerland is paying by invoice. Purchase by invoice with installment payment option gives an opportunity the customers, that they can shop now, and pay later. Also with this payment method, customers can purchase by invoice with the option of paying in installments in your online shop. You can choose this option using Powerpay or Swissbilling company as a payment provider in your shop.


5.    Paypal

Last but not least don’t forget about Paypal. Especially inSwitzerland, during e-commerce shopping people love to use Paypal as a payment option. PayPal is one of the leading online payment services that lets you receive payments quickly and easily: Customers can pay with just a few clicks.That is what makes Paypal payment so popular.



As I wrote in the beginning, online shopping is getting bigger not just in Switzerland, but also wordwide. To satisfy your customers, one of the most important thing you can do, is that you give them the option to choose between different payment options. In this blog article, I want to really show you, what are the most important payment methods, you can use in your e-commerce shop. Also if you need a payment provider, who you can work with, and integrate everything to your e-commerce store, I really suggest to get know company Datatrans where you can select between all of these payment methods to use. Also if you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me, and I am gladly here to help you in your e-commerce shop.

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