Problem with Google Adwords Campaigns?

August 12, 2021

KPI’s, you should always check on your Google Adwords campaigns


There are times in all business owners in Switzerland, when their Google Adwords campaign don’t perform as good, as you may really want.You just setup everything, the first results are coming, but then there are days, or weeks, when you see a dropdown. 

It can caused by many other effects (summer season, seasonal products, weather circumstances, new competitor...), which are independent from your campaign setups. But what should you consider, and what are the main KPI’s, you should check, if you don’t get results you want from your campaign?

It is also important to mention, that in the Swiss online market, the 40-70% of the costumers can come from Google Adwords Campaigns. So it is really important, that you take care of your campaigns.

In this blog article, I’ll show you 7 core suggestions, you should always check and see on a weekly basis at least.


1.    Google Adwords Basics to check


You may have wondered, that you make everything well in your campaigns, and there is a day, when the results are dropping down.

I always suggest first, that you check your basic setups in your account:

1.    Is there a possible suspension for your account?

a.    If yes, what causes it? – Invalid setups of business informations, products which are against the policy of advertising in Google?

2.    Does you payment working? Do you have an expired invoice you have to pay for your campaigns?

Sometimes the basic things cause the problem, that your Google Adwords account in Switzerland have some problem. If one of those are the problems, than you easily solved it.


2.    Check Google Adwords Recommendations


Google Adwords has a new feature, that makes all Swiss business, and Swiss advertisers life easier. In your Adwords account you can see automatic recommendations from Google, to optimize your campaigns and account. Maybe there is something that you miss, or Google can also help you to perform better in the close future for more traffic.

As you can see you don’t have to automatically apply all the recommendations, because there should be some from Google, which you can only now. But keep in mind, that check consistently, if there is something, that you can improve in your campaign, suggested by Google Adwords.


3.    Increase or decrease Campaign budget


You may wonder, that some of your campaigns are performing well, and you get the conversion you want, and some of them are not. Always keep in mind, that if you see, some of your campaigns are performing well, maybe it is time to increase the budget a little more. – But you also have to keep in mind, that if you raise your budget, you have to see clearly, that your profitability is still on that level what you expect!

Profitability first!  

But don’t hurry, add timet o your campaigns, to see the results in a long term. Maybe you just started your campaign in the middle of a lower frequent period. So I suggest to check your daily budget for your campaigns, but give it a longer 3-6 month period, if you see a full picture of the results.


4.    Check ROAS in your Google Adwords account


ROAS is the meaning of Return of Ad spent. It is your decision, that how much money want to make on your Ads. What is the minimum, that you want to get in return?



Your target ROAS are always depends on your own business, and the profitability of your products. So keep that in mind, and always optimize your conversion campaigns, with a target ROAS in your account.


5.    Number of clicks


If you see in your revenue, that it is started drop down a little bit, always compare your clicks, with another period – Monthly period, or the last year click period.

It sounds easy, but sometimes your Cost per Click gets higher, and you get less clicks from the same budget. That can also cause a drop down for your results. If you see it, try to optimize your cost per click limit, or the target ROAS for the best results.


6.    Keyword campaign ads are shown or not?


It is important, if you have Search campaigns in your Google Adwords account. You may selected some keyword to shown up in your ads, but later on the system realize, that they are won’t performing well.

What you can do in this case, is that you search for new keywords with the Google Keyword Planner, or you make your landing pages more relevant for the keywords, you selected to advertise.


7.    Product Feed problem for Google Shopping campaigns


As I mentioned you earlier, Google Shopping campaigns are one of the most effective campaigns types for e-commerce shops in Switzerland to advertise. But sometimes you don’t get the result you want.

It is always important, that keep your product feed fresh, and clear as people can find it on your online shop, but maybe you should consider and check weekly, if there is some problem with one of your products or product group.

So you can avoid in the future, that some of the products are not shown by Google, and keep your product feed fresh.




Google Adwords campaign can help a lot, to improve and grow your e-commerce business. But it is also important, that you not just setup a campaign, and let them run... I rather suggest to keep your ads on track, and check weekly, how can you improve your ads to perform better. So in the future, you will get better and better results, then your competitors.  

Hopefully, I can help with you in this small blog article, and if you have any question about the topic, please do not hesitate to contact with me below.

Wish you the best and great results with your campaigns! :)

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